Blueprint Of Desks I Am Looking For A Set Of Blueprints To The Resolute Desk Or A Desk Similar In Quality?

I am looking for a set of blueprints to the resolute desk or a desk similar in quality? - blueprint of desks

I am a carpenter and I am in an office building with the exact specifications, or as close as possible to the table, is interested in the Oval Office. Or if someone can give copies to another office, but decided also to the quality of parameters such as the office, it would be very useful. I want a whole set of fingerprints and a list of materials is possible. Please help me and you the best solution.
If I could, to have a website that has free projects and prints of colonial American antiques, amazing and would very much appreciated.


Navigato... said...

Not able to find the plans of the Commission arrived here, but there are other pieces of furniture. The links are below.

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