Endometriosis Specialist Where Do I Find An Endometriosis Specialist?

Where do I find an endometriosis specialist? - endometriosis specialist

Do not waste your time with a regular gynecologist, that thinks only in delivering babies, treating women with endometriosis, and if he or she treats Endo, believe that the best way to partially vaporize and then the patient is on Lupron. Also do not bother with the Lupron from the creator of the "Doctor Discussion Guide sponsored encourages - all that does is, as you ask your doc, Lupron, Abbott and Takeda Pharmaceuticals and your personal information private. No, you need a real specialist Endo. rare but they exist. They probably travel too, because there are only about 10 in the U.S., but that's what we do to our real disease, respond to and feel better. Start with these guys:

Drs Albee and Sinervo @ Center for Endometriosis Care

Dr Red

Mr. Cook

Mr. Robbins

She joined these groups and ask for references (which are free), private groups:

http://groups.yahoo.com / group / IEC

http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/End ...

See also:

http://www.geocities.com/endovictims/end ...

Help is available. Do not waste your valuable time repeating the surgery and drugs which are able to do nothing of side effects.

Good luck and remember that you are not alone!

And PS, do not waste your time on spam sponsored pharmaceutical companies have already announced. Guiding The request is a veiled announcement from the makers of Lupron, which is not related to supply your personal data and to explain how the market Lupron your doctor for them. Journal of Pain for an impartial guide can be found on the website of the CIS and its associated files in your mailing list in the upper bound.


Joakim L said...

An obstetrician-gynecologist.

Anahita M said...

Thats right, all need to know about Endometriosis gynecologist .. However, you may find that there are some who specialize in this area, place to ask the head of the OBGYN hospital.

Lina L said...

Doctors without request discussion guide http://doctor-guide.june-promotion.com
It has lots of useful information on endometriosis.

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